Well due to an overwhelming response, we will be going with the same kit as planned it looks like. I underestimated how much you guys liked the original design. I will have some more details hopefully tomorrow so check back.

(Updated List - Email me if I've forgotten anyone)
1. HellaHydro
2. Performance Fords
4. Bobby Norton
5. Ashley Hall
6. Rick Lempitski
7. Doug Christman
8. Rene Vicera Jr.
9. Conor Sedam
10. KnuKonceptz
11. Matthew Holbrook
12. Brian Whitton
13. Jared Mullenberg
14. Importkllr
15. Carlos Corona
16. Miroslaw Swietek
17. Michael Walls
18. Leo/Slick 95 GL/Sleepie1084
19. Giovanni Scheffer
20. Chris Patterson
21. Kevin Anderson
22. Steve Jones
23. Seanman
24. nyceboi
25. Michael Westrate
26. Edward McGunn
27. Micah Watts
28. Douglas Pierce
29. Jerrold Benally
30. Speed Demon/Kermit
31. Karl Mantz