Originally posted by Jason Castor:
The other day I seen some dumb driver try to go on the inside of a semi while it was doing a MI turnaround. The semi hit him a little. The dude then stopped in the middle of traffic to get out and look at his car. The semi didn't stop to talk to the guy he kept goin.

Hell yeah, thats great...serves the guy right for being stupid. I'd bet the trucker hardly even noticed he hit the guy, not that he'd care regardless.

We have the problem a lot of people driving the same speeds across three lanes of traffic. Sometimes I understand on the highway when traffic is severly backed up from an accident or some pretty flower growing on the side of the road. But often times you can be on a three lane 40 mph road and all three lanes are just cruising along. The morons in the left lane are turning 4 miles up the road so they want to be ready and you can't get in the right lane because of all the neighborhood turn ins and buisnesses. So, you get stuck in the middle lane just waiting for someone to make a move.

My favorite are the people that don't move even after you've flashed every light you have and have even honked at them a few times, and they just sit there. I don't understand it!