Originally posted by chknhwk:
Originally posted by showtime:
Originally posted by Qwk98svt:
Is it too late for me to get in on this group buy? for my 98 CSVT? please let me know PM or e-mail (Qwk98svt@aol.com) thank you


yeah its too late

Hey Jeremy, didn't you say something earlier about ordering from the company direct b/c they would continue production? I guess if he just goes back a couple of pages and reads through all the posts he could find it...or maybe you remember saying something about that?

last time a talked with him he said he was not going to sell to the public...so we have the only 24 in existance.
He said if i wanted more he would sell directly to me, but it would take 6wks or so to have them shipped from overseas again....i don't think i will be ordering anymore any time soon...its a pain in the ass dealing with all of it.

2000 SVT (silver) #1529 of 2150 ------------------- yeah...its modded "having no way as way and no limitation as limitation"