this is OT even for OT, but hey...
I'm renting an apartment in the area I don't like much, so I decided to move.
a year of my lease ended on July 1st, at which point my lease became monthly.
today I payed a deposit for another apt and I'm moving in on Sept. 1st. I let my current landlord know about it.
now, the lease says that I need to give here a month notice. 31 or 27 days doesn't matter much
but now she says I may be liable for the whole september in case she
can't find a tenant.

the lease specifically says: "month to month lease" and "1 month prior notice".
I'm guessing she might be right and I'm screwed, but just in case
someone here knows something about it I decided to post this here.
besides I needed to vent mad


--alex | 96 GL(sort of) V6 ATX | 98 SE V6 MTX Sport