most likely a hardware issue.
my experience w/ 2000 is suprisingly positive /* I use professional @ work and server on my newer machine @ home */

it does not necessarily have to be memory, but I'm guessing the reason Perry brought this up is that normally OE parts are tested to work together, while whatever you are adding may bring in new issues.

another problem is that ME and 2000 are completely different animals. what was supposed to work w/ ME does not have to do so w/ 2000. in other words lots of things may be going wrong.

You might want to try and get the newest drivers for whatever hardware you are using, but be aware that messing up w/ them may be dangerous. if 2000 driver is n/a use NT one.

and one more thing, if you decide to upgrade from your current motherboard to something better it's not gonna go as you might expect. stupid windoze saves information about your hardware in the registry, so once you change your motherboard it refuses to boot up. don't ask... laugh

--alex | 96 GL(sort of) V6 ATX | 98 SE V6 MTX Sport