Note that I say Homo Sapiens Neanderthal(ensis) (Homo Neanderthal, since corrected by my wife as homo neanderthalensis)It is being debated about how close to homo sapiens Neanderthal really were. There physical structures were much different then sapiens. They were literally built like brick ****houses and woudl though short would probably be able to do a number on a good many NFL players. As for the brain size, homo sapiens average 1300-1500cc and neanderthal go 1300-1740cc. Fairly similar to sapiens. One could compare the similar debates between the red mained wolf and the timber wolf or the florida panther and mountain lion. How far in the species variation does one go before you call it a different species? The scientific answer woudl be unitl they cannot produce viable offspring (offspring that can produce offspring) together, however DNA testing shows no trace of Neanderthal DNA.
The thing with science is everytime one question is answered a whole bunch more arise. As for the theory of everything where everything will be explained. I don't think that is really possible. Many of the physicists looking into this theory don't call it that because its misleading. Most think that as soon as this theory is worked out more questions will pop up. Around the end of the 20th century a historian claimed that all of history was over. ha ha.
In the meantime I am very interested in the results of the study of the human genome as they could disprove/prove some theories on modern genetics, such as neutral mutation, negative mutation etc.

96 Contour GL
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02 Mazda Protege LX
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