Well Cpursor I answered your question on thermodynamics and (I understand the tiredness) Just waiting on an answer on the genetics side of it.
Taxed to Death. The idea of deevolving is actually evolution. The shrimp that evolved to have little or no eyes has come into a different environment. (presumably dark) as a result its eyes were no longer needed so it slowly started to lose its eyes as this was no longer needed (much like humanity is losing it's hair and brow ridges) As for the creatures and abundance of life in the magma vents on the ocean floor, they can provide evidence that evolution exists also. The primitive conditions of earth a couple of billion years ago would have been similar to the conditions found there. No oxygen existed so the organims were anarobic and used chemosynthesis to supply themselves with energy. As time moved on and the planet cooled other organisms producing oxygen as a by product evovlved, eventually an orgamism took advantage of the high energy that oxygen can yeild and became aerobic.
As for Noah's ark. You still haven't answered my question of how the animals, namely predators were fed. Also if Noah just kept the juvenile or infant animals who taught them how to do things? Numerous species of animals teach their young how to survive in the world, this also included dinosaurs. And I woudl like to add, how did Noah go and collect the thousands of species that exist on this earth today? Even if he had collected all of them adn was abel to put them on a barge or other craft (this I can see as being unlikely though possible) How did the small number of humans on the boat feed all of the animals. Infant animals are extremely time consuming, a zoo needs many more people then what were on the ark to feed its relatively few species, most of which are adults and can feed themselves.
As for my knowledge of the flood story, what about the theories I presented?
In modern day history dams break and flood entire regions, couldn't the mediteranean flooding a large section of the middle east created a rather well spread and accepted legend?
Anyway I woudl still like someone to discuss the mitochondrial eve evidence that I suggested.

96 Contour GL
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02 Mazda Protege LX
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