I'm surprised this is still going with sensible reasoning and discussion. Nice job everyone. I really don't have much hard evidence to add, nor have I done any extra research, and it's almost 3am and I need to go to sleep. So..forgive the shortcomings in my comments.

I took an Anthropology class while in college. This class showed how the different types of creatures related to Homo erectus spread from the Middle East and Africa. I learned how Neanderthals suddenly disappeared at a certain point and Homo Erectus really began to take over. It setup the reasoning of how they dated the remains of the remains that they found. The Ice Age really helped the dating process.

Apparently, the Ice Age provided the "bridge" that allowed the people from Asia/Russia to cross over to North America. I remember vaguely that there have been remains found in North America that are in the 10,000-14,000 yr old time frame. I also remember being shocked by the apparent discovery of remains in South America, way south near the southern tip, where the remains were about 17,000 yrs old.

I am by no means an expert, but if man (or a derivitive) was in North America 10-20k years ago, he most certainly would have been in Africa, the apparent birthplace much sooner than 20k years ago.

I believe some of the dating done on these remains had to do with the type of tools, clothing, plant life, food, weapons and strata of rock that the remains were found in.

What I mean is.....the depth that fossils are found directly relates to their age. A lot of science is based upon this. By studying different layers and looking at the fossils, it can be determined the approxiamate age. Now, if a plant became extinct at a certain period of time, and throughout all different layers all over a specific area it is found that this plant expired at a certain time...and this human had tools, supplies of food made from that plant...it could be roughly determined what the age of that human was. This is how a lot of aging is determined....simply by relating items from different stratas.

Now, assuming the Creationists do in fact believe that there were dinosaurs, what caused their demise? Did they die, and we suddenly appear? Why is is so widely known that we did not exist at their time?

I think it's becoming generally accepted that there was a "Global Event" that caused their demise. This is know as an impact. Yes, a giant Asteroid that struck the earth somewhere near the Yucatan peninsula. The earth has been struck before and will be again. Simply look at the moon for more proof. I think some of you may recall the asteroids/commets (not sure which ones) that struck Jupiter a couple years ago. So, if it can be determined when Dinosaurs disappeared, I think it's safe to say that their environment was drastically changed by some sort of global event....aka the "impact". I believe by studying the different types of sediment and rocks it can be generall determined when this "impact" occurred. I'm not sure about the specific time period, but I believe it was at least 125 million years ago.

So...to a Creationist, 125 million years ago must be ludacris. So then, here is the question. If there was not this incredible amount of time, that is accepted by science, some 200-400 million years ago as the "dinosaur" age......and some claim the earth is only around 10,000-40,000 years old........can somebody please explain to me how there are so many different rock stratas with the simpler/smaller dinosaurs in the deeper layers....and bigger more complex animals as it gets more shallow (aka higher)....to a large layer of sediment...then another layer of small, simple organisms...which progressively get more complex as the rocks get shallower, to bigger animals and so on and so on.

My point being, the math just does not add up. Human remains have been found that are 40,000 years old...using the layer relationship that I outlined above. The dinosaurs are wayyyyyyyyy deeper in the sediment/rock than the humans. A geologist would be good at explaining the relationship of age and layers. I am not a geoologist or an Anthropologist so I cannot go into specifics.

Sorry for the rambling....

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