Originally posted by Taxed2Death:
There will never be a biblical approach, and explanation for aliens.. they do not exist, The Bible is clear on that. I have made the arguement already once in this post.. as for cave drawings.. I have there are many that include dinosaurs, and psoropauds..
Dave andrews... once again I have answered what you say, and still you insist on slandering us.. I have reasoned with you that what you call micro evolution.. has infact nothing to do with species developing new or better somethings... What you call microevolution is a miss nomer... for exactly that reason.. if we can name something real such as natural selection, with a name that includes evolution... its reality will help our floundering theory.. it will lend credence.

The problem with the evidence you call on.. such as all these "prehistoric people", is that you see plaster casts, and not the real thing. I don't have time to cataloue the whole book for you, but if you could find a few hours on some sunny afternoons, you could read the book entitled Buried Alive. Authors personal thoughts aside.. he is a 20 year plus orthodontist, and has
written in his book about his many encounteres with the real fossils. I guess most people take it for granted that a fossil expert has nothing to prove by doctoring his fossils, but lets be objective. People that dig up bones may have a rudimentary knowledge of the skeleton, but would they really be able to place pieces together. And if they do (which I am sure some are more than capable of being experts in more than one field) will they place the fossils together in such a manner as to further their story. Bear in mind, that their funding comes from sources that are only interested in certain things. If their bones don't seem to match up, they make them match up.
A lot of what you see in the museums have gone through this doctoring stage. Again, you will say things like "I can't beleive he said that", but have you ever seen the real fossils... Are you not even a little bit skeptical of people that produce studies, but are heavily biased because of their funding sources...
Regardless.. major evolutionists would agree that there are some serious problems with the fossils and the way they are shown to the public. If you have nothing to hide, then bring it forward. Don't show us a plaster cast, so us the real thing, incomplete, and cracked.

I understand that superficially atleast, all these pithecines seem incredible.. but find out how many are debated by people in your own camp, then find out the different dating methods used, and the many different dates for the bones.. etc...

"Lucy... a three foot tall australopithecine. 40% of her skeleton was recovered. Since she was beleived to be more than 3 million years old, her completness was most unusual; At a 3 million year age, paleoanthropologists expect only a few bits and pieces." (first clue your age idea is wrong)
Bone of contention, marvin lubenow

I would have to type out half the book to continue to show in great detail how the things you take for granted simply don't appear. The reason we say where is some of this tons of evidence, is that we would like some real evidence. Fossilized bones, being subject to fit into a preconcieved notion of evolution can not be used as a good proof of evolution. You started with the idea that evolution is true. you then say that because of these bones it is true. But the bones don't really fit the story, so you simply modify the date of the bones. Use a different dating method.
We are probably going to argue this back and forth for a long time (this post hasn't been the most productive yet) but I would say to the serious person, read some books about where the fossil dates need to be.. .according to evolution.. the fossils need to be x age... now.. if they are not, they use different dating methods, until one erroneous number agrees with their age. Read up thoroughly (sp) and see if your basic assumptions about dates are right! Gotta eat.. (must be an annoying evolutionary left over) To bad we couldn't evolve to not have to eat, and just get out energy from the sun!
I'm glad the Bible is VERY clear about this. Just in case there would ever be any "confusion" later on...
Also, I am genuinely interested in authentic prehistoric cave drawings depicting dinosaurs, and psoropods. Would you happen to have a reference I could look to? Thanks.

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups...