Originally posted by Taxed2Death:
"Lucy... a three foot tall australopithecine. 40% of her skeleton was recovered. Since she was beleived to be more than 3 million years old, her completness was most unusual; At a 3 million year age, paleoanthropologists expect only a few bits and pieces." (first clue your age idea is wrong)
Bone of contention, marvin lubenow
Unusual to you = impossible??? Ok.. THAT makes sense.

As for reconstructing Fossils.. and plaster casts vs. the real thing. NYC Museum of Natural History displays the real thing. And also plaster casts.. with the following "probable reconstruction" or some other wording. I fail to see your point here since many of the reconstructions of say.. a head.. this head only has the eyes and jaw.. however another one on display in Russia has parts of the eyes and the cranial cavity... yep the reconstruction is totally fictitious. Ever seen age regression/progression software?? Pretty amazing stuff.

I'll leave the dating up to someone who's more familiar with the chemistry involved. While I understand rates of decay etc.. I'm out of touch with developments and such.

BTW Lucy is not a homo sapiens sapiens.. she clearly has other bone structures.. so even if she isn't as old as is claimed.. can you explain where she came from?

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne