Not having time to read all twelve pages of debate, I will attempt to only comment on the topic at hand.
There will never be a "resolution" between the theories of creationism and evolution, since the debted is rooted in the larger relationship of religion and science. Religion and science are complimentary fields that have the potential to engage in healthy discussion and exist mutually in a dialectic tension. They can learn much from each other, but will never really agree on such matters as the origins of humankind.

In regards to the Bible, it is necessary to remember that the biblical accounts of the creation (note there are two)are stories to make a point about the nature of the Judeo-Christain God. The stories are derived in format from the creation stories of Babylon. The intent of the myth is what matters,not the story.

As for science, I cannot speak to the carbon dating and such specifics as science is not my field. However, I would be inclined to trust the methods of the derivation of emperical data that have developed over the centuries.

dfordham, for a good summary of past and current thought I refer you to chapter four of the book "Systematic Theology: Volume I" edited by Fiorenza and Galvin.