Originally posted by scooby757:
Originally posted by T-red2000se:
[b]Scooby, you are actually perpetuating an old myth. In fact, the Bible is the most accurately preserved ancient writing known to man. The oldest known manuscripts of books of the bible have been translated more truly than, say, The Oddessey(sp?), which is quite a bit younger than the Bible.
I for one take every word as truth... there is no other option, for if the first verse is incorrect, what good is the rest of the book?
No offense intended, but thats not saying much. How do you REALLY know how accurate it is now, after all these centuries/translations? Not to say that it isn't, but I wasn't there for any of the original scribblings...were you?

I have no problem with you taking every word as truth. Also first verse incorect/what good is rest, etc.. I actually prefer if you are going to tout creationism that you do feel this way. I'm sorry if you feel I "perpetuated an old myth". I'm only making observations on comments I've read as recently as this thread.

No offense meant, but I often don't know what to make of many creationists arguments. Just as one example, the dinosaur discussions. Now I really don't see anyone lining up anymore shouting "fraud!!! they never really lived!!" Which is smart, because the evidence rolls in daily. More and more varieties. More complete examples. On and on... Yet the latest explanation is that they lived at the same time as man. [cause at this point to say otherwise ruins everything, right?] So, 80ft long reptiles, flying reptiles with 35ft wing spans, all manor of spiked, horned, razor toothed, etc, etc.. and all anyone could come up with back then for some description was a FEW words like, behemoth??[sp?]

Am I the only one who thinks seeing something like what we now refer to as a Pteranodon flying through the air might just warrant a little more detailed mention?? The people of the time seem to have been capable of much greater description when necessary. Even in the most primitive of cave drawings, we're talking wooly bison and mammoths here. No charcoal sketches of 10ton reptiles...

This is why I was curious about your answers to my question on what if we found REAL PROOF of life somewhere other than earth. I'm trying to see what the thinking is BEFORE any evidence comes to light. [if any ever does.] I've heard no one say it's covered in the bible. Yet...somehow...if we do find out there is. Does anyone doubt that somebody will come up with a biblical explanation for it. All of a sudden... wink [/b]

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups...