Originally posted by T-red2000se:
No doubts actually...I believe it would have taken God to create you...A$$ holes don't evolve from humans. mad

Sorry, but your post was very out of line and quite offensive...If attacking religion is your best defense, your fight has already been lost. Seems the longer this thread goes on, the more back-handed and aggressive the evolutionists become. EdwardC, I was relieved when you were a polite heretic. Now you have become a scathing man who thinks that a bunch of letters behind a name actually impresses me. I remember when this thread had a mature nature....oh, about 8 pages ago...
I didn't attack religion I questioned it.. on a level that is common within the scientific and philosophical world. I pointed out basic things that are highly quiestionable in nature.. and yes.. I was sarcastic about them....maybe personal.(not my intent). but I'm human I make mistakes. (I get sarcastic when people stop making sense.. otherwise I get too frustrated)

I mean look at what your saying.. does it really make logical sense?? forget religion forget science.. just logically.. MAN is the creation of GOD in HIS image??? umm What makes us sooooo special that WE are the ONLY ones to get this privilege?? Isn't that just tad bit egotistical?(again remember forget science, forget religion.. read the statements)

And as for lay people, when they are faced with people who have to live within the scientific community and then face the same arguments and degradation that scientists live with.. You react with calling me names.. (Gee.. I'm almost hurt... there's that sarcasm again) In science.. and philosophy.. you have to live with being called an idiot and a jerk everyday, it's a fundamental part of those endeavors. No one enjoys it.. but anytime you publish someone will attack your position. Others will attack your integrity, your beliefs and your personal behavior to prove you wrong. (especially if you disagree with them) So seeing your posts is nothing new... but wow.. did I hit a nerve.. I guess your listening now?? Why react with anger.. I was only sarcastic.. Or is questioning your religion (which face it.. Creationism is based on the Christian faith.. so why shouldn't that be brought into question also.. it is a pillar of your argument) going too far?

Jlanger.. thanks for mentioning the Leakeys.. I forgot about them in my list of hominiods.. They definitely deserve credit. I don't envy the position they took early in this century. The hate they encountered must have been horrible. However I admire their courage and their scientific abilities. There have been other footprints discovered since then.. although none as nearly important/significant.

Your point about the black sea is well put, I think that something that significant would create many word of mouth stories over time and turn into early legends and myths.

As for the rest.. yep I make mistakes.. I can even get angry.. But I will never ever call someone a jerk or other words.. for being sarcastic. I can question your scientific abilities, but I do not think you are less a person for having the lack.. just less a scientist. Let's face it, we aren't all scientists, and I'm no preacher ( laugh ). There is nothing personal in what I've said.. and there never will be. If I have something personal to say to someone it will be in private.. it's no one else's business and I expect others to do the same.

As for attacking religion being my best defense.. hardly.. my best defense is how your going to explain to me all the scientific evidence that exists in every natural museum in a complete and scientific manner. NOT using references from the bible for generic terms like Behemoth, but exacting studies that go beyond the Bible and use other methods to correlate the data contained therein.(after all science uses the bible also)

ask the Anthropologists.. They use the bible too. But only as another source to prove their points. I.E. the black sea and the stories of the Flood.

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne