Originally posted by blitzkrieg53:
Ignorant Jerk
"The creationists dont know what they are talking about blah blah blah they pose no real threat"

"Why's that?"

Ignorant Jerk
"Because I said so, it's just so scientific to believe whats I say"

It's so frustrating to watch, I mean how can you sit there and say that the creationists are doing nothing more than preaching when with comments like these it is clearly you who are. Come on guys stop wasteing time and actually put forth something proper other wise don't debate in this room. Not one of you has made a list of five major supporting evidences for evolution yet(edward c has quoted major statistics but that dosen't count). Since there is warehouses, dumptrucks or seattle boeing assembly plants full of evidence then it shouldn't be to hard to have five measly pieces for it, that are not in dispute.
And none of you has even told me what the scientific method is.
Yeah I think at this point after looking at the "proofs" offered by the creationists.. I have serious doubts as to their ability to understand science. And I never said.. "because I said so"

If anything look up a few posts.. I name enough types of hominoids of which I have personally seen the fossil evidence (after all.. they are in museums.. that's what those school trips were for) And I've been back since then. I can't wait to hear the bible's reasoning for their existence.. That will be enormously humorous to watch.

And I never once called anyone here a jerk. I do however question their scientific understanding. While they are most likely upstanding, good quality citizens they are definitely NOT scientists. As such, I have valid doubts as to their understanding of science and how it works. I keep asking for a simple proof of this.. no references, no books.. no one but themselves..(evidence for evolution exists in every single natural museum in this country.. you want proof .. go visit one.. again no books no studies.. simple personal observation.. something called... empiric evidence) Doesn't mean that you can't get a theory wrong based on it.. but at least you've got evidence besides a single book written by a primitive culture. That the most numerous believers in (Catholics) regard as a guide written by a primitive society.

What is a double-blind study.. how does it work?

I'm waiting.. And yes I'll have a few more after this..

After all I'm scientific in nature.. I need repeatable proof... not just a one time thing.

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne