Originally posted by woz:
Please pardon my english it's my third language.

Just remember the earth is the center of the Universe and is also by the way flat. People were also burned to death because they did not agree with the church.
ROFLMAO.. gotta love things like the inquisition and how Galileo was tortured to repent his beliefs, wouldn't you agree?

If your going to attack the use of carbon to date object please do not use referance(s) more than 30 yeas old like the computer this tech has advanced much in the last 30 years. I would also suggest the use of information from the 1980's or better yet the 1990's. To disregard evolution and all the facts supportig it is to disregard the one thing that we all should have (or most of us) the ability to think, or did we only get that after eating the apple?
ohh good point.. I missed that one about the science from 30 years ago... science has advanced.. shouldn't your sources discounting have advanced also???

.. Since it's much harder to prove that Darwin was correct or not lets just prove that the world is older than 5,000 years. There is very, very stong evidance to this point. In any event who is correct there are only two ways that this conversation can go..

1. The bible is correct = all or alomost all science it discredited because it is all based on logic and deduction and to prove (or think) that the world is only 5,000 years old attacks the very foundations of this. (When was the last time you took a strong pain killer, that drug is based off of the same scientific deductions)

2. The bible is proved to be incorrect and work of man
And since it is man (man being an imperfect being) who wrote the bible, then somehow the bible is flawed.. after all perfection isn't created from imperfection.

Hmmm.. I wonder how many religions there are in the world for only one true god..?
After all Catholicism and Christianity are the largest religions in the world aren't they. And because everyone believes in them.. They must be right...

Nope.. not gonna stone you.. I'm gonna cheer you on. Go ahead keep it going.

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne