Originally posted by T-red2000se:
By Daveandrews:
Being open minded about this, I think evolution more fits the facts we have, but do I think it's totally correct.. nope.. it's got problems too. But it's a whole lot closer to the facts than creationism.
That is circular reasoning at its best! I believe in what facts we have now...but we don't have all the facts...Then how could you even be remotely sure? Let alone, how many [b]FACTS
are there about evolution? Not one thing has been scientifically proven...You may quote me a bunch of studies, but remember...they don't prove anything, because we don't have all the facts.[/b]
Really??? Homo erectus never existed?? Homo sapiens never existed (for those ignorant of the fact.. we are considered homo sapiens sapiens) Australopithicines never existed?? And yet in the museum of natural history here in NYC they have examples of these.. hmmm no facts.. geee.. I wonder... I guess someone created these for duping all us poor fools.. Examples of early hominoids like Aegyptopithecus Zeuxis never existed either? Or how about Propliopithecus Haeckeli??? After all we don't have their fossils now do we?? Or Ramapithicines.. or Dryopithicenes.. or the Kenyapithicus doesn't exist.. or the Gigantopithecus or lets see Propliopiths never existed.. or how about the earliest definite hominoids at found at Leatolia Tanzania with date to about 3.7 million years ago. (shelton et. al 1986:21) And the man who discovered them Raymond Dart.. nooooo none of this 'evidence' evidence exists.. after all we are just fairy tale spinners.. we have no idea what we are talking about. And no one.. absolutely no one has heard of the Lucy fossil.. sure doesn't exist.. doesn't prove a thing.. After all early hominoids never existed BEFORE Homo Sapiens Sapiens.. Nothing like Homo Habilus existed.. Or how about Homo Erectus heidlebergenis????

You can fill warehouses with this stuff.. and that's only the HUMAN evidence.. what about that of horses.. or dogs or cats.. or birds???

And I've never ever seen the fossils of Australopithicus afarensis, they're complete myth never seen them in my life.. nope don't exist.

Please people.. look.. see what is there.. don't just read.. go to museums.. and honestly look at what they have there to show you. Don't ignore what is available for you to see for yourself.. you don't have to trust scientists on this.. just go look and then tell me where these things came from. And try to find out for yourselves.. maybe go to the Dakota's .. do some fossil searching on your own..

Umm... what is the definition of cirular reasoning?? I said that evolution fits the facts the best.. not that it is the only possibility where?? I wonder is the circular reasoning??
Ohh and for facts.. gee time scale.. here's a simple one the immense size of the universe and the incredible distances it takes to travel there combined with the speed of light.( proven fact if there was one.. or do you now say that we can't measure light's speed??)

I really don't quote specific studies or literature.(I did here once.. i just couldn't resist) Why?? go look for yourself.. don't read books.. don't listen to fools purpoting psuedo-science.. Go and LOOK!!!! Then come back and answer where these things came from??? And where did they go???

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne