Please pardon my english it's my third language.

Just remember the earth is the center of the Universe and is also by the way flat. People were also burned to death because they did not agree with the church.

If your going to attack the use of carbon to date object please do not use referance(s) more than 30 yeas old like the computer this tech has advanced much in the last 30 years. I would also suggest the use of information from the 1980's or better yet the 1990's. To disregard evolution and all the facts supportig it is to disregard the one thing that we all should have (or most of us) the ability to think, or did we only get that after eating the apple?

But lets be honest the real goal of this topic is not if Darwin was correct or wrong but if the bible may have a very small flaw.. and if it is flawed, then it's a work of man not God and if it's a work of man the we must start thinging for ourselves..

Lets explore that thought for a moment.. Since it's much harder to prove that Darwin was correct or not lets just prove that the world is older than 5,000 years. There is very, very stong evidance to this point. In any event who is correct there are only two ways that this conversation can go..

1. The bible is correct = all or alomost all science it discredited because it is all based on logic and deduction and to prove (or think) that the world is only 5,000 years old attacks the very foundations of this. (When was the last time you took a strong pain killer, that drug is based off of the same scientific deductions)

2. The bible is proved to be incorrect and work of man = some people who use religion as a cruch need to start thinking for them selves.

Since there has been very much useless data so I will post some also, Dougles Adams, Hichhikers Guide to tha Galaxy. vol 1.

Mr Admams make a very good point. Since God must try to keep man from proving he was real. If man were to ever proved that God was real, not real or flawed then man must be supperior to God. In all three situatios man has no need for Gods rules because he (man) was able to prove or disprove god was real or that god was flawed man can do better on his own because he has proven himself better than God. (if you remove the entire after-life thag) And this my friends is true point of the entire converstion. That some people since they can not think for them selves use religion as a cruch or a drug and since it tells them the "real truth" if there is ever any incosistancy in the story the the black and white becomes gray and they must start thinking for them selves.

I wonder it there has ever been a study that looked to see what theory has changed the most evolution or the religion? Hmmm.. I wonder how many religions there are in the world for only one true god..? Hmmm. and why is this truth only a problem for some religions Hmmmm? Could the one true religion be incorrect?

Science = exploration for answers
Religion = removal or answers for the masses. Why do we the masses need to think?

If that offends you then just grab some rocks and stone me like they used to do in gods name.

PS> I gave up catholisim for lent

2000 Contour SVT #136
Black with Blue leather
30% Window tint all around
PS: I hate my Ford Dealer