In fact, the Bible is the most accurately preserved ancient writing known to man. The oldest known manuscripts of books of the bible have been translated more truly than, say, The Oddessey(sp?), which is quite a bit younger than the Bible.
I for one take every word as truth... there is no other option, for if the first verse is incorrect, what good is the rest of the book?
You have taken every word for the truth, but that does not make it true. You say the Bible is the most accurately book to man. How do you know?? [B]All[B] stories including the bible change over time. I may not have all the knowledge or know big words but I just can't accept a religion or God that would allow people to lynch, and hang and murder in his name. That is just not right. I know we all make are own path etc.. but you are telling me that God allows people to choose their path to hell?? I know I said this should not be allowed on this message board, but I find this very interesting the people would have faith in something this is so corrupted and that has caused so many deaths in the past.


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