Hmmm. I see things have degraded a bit.
I don't want to "fuel" the flames here, but if I'm not mistaken haven't a great many of the religious beliefs oh, "swayed" as time has gone on? I mean at what point in time did the masses for the most part stop taking ALL the Bible's stories as "absolute truths!!"? Not all, but a great many of you have no problem now saying; "Well, not EVERYTHING contained in there is to be considered as ACTUALLY happening like that. You all know, the more, shall we say "spectacular" events described in the book. Do you guys think that 500, or 1000 years ago that was the case? At what point, as the years go on is it deamed okay to kind of sweep that part [fill in blank]
under, what, jurnalistic license?

Someone stated that the evolutionists "mold things" to suit their arguments. Please, you can't be seriously saying that creationists haven't been. And for probably much longer. The thing is, it seems to me anyway, that evolutionary study is constantly advancing as more and more is discovered, and technology improves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but science changes discoveries as "new" info comes to light. How are creationists "discovering" changes to things so "painstakingly" documented over the centuries?
Bad spelling? When it was written, wasn't EVERY word .....true???? confused

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups...