Again, an evolutionist looks at a statement, and sees nothing of what is really there, and only what he wants to be there, so that it will fit his preconcieved notions...
Once you have this program... as eluded to in my last post, once this program comes together over millions of years of chance... what use is the program... Remember, nature doesn't have a computer to run it on. It mearly has the required letters, to have a program.

Then, we move on to mutation. If we take a complex program, perhaps adobe is a better choice to pick than a microsoft program... and we reverse compile, then change a few letters in a random order, to simulate radiation, or other mutation, then we recompile the program, do you really expect it to run more efficiently, or better than the original.. This sounds like pseudoscience to me. A term evolutionists are well aware of, and continually claim creationists use.. We are aware of the laws of nature. Something does not come from nothing. Cause and effect. However, most ardent evolutionists have made up their minds, and are not interested in being bothered with the facts. Don't confuse me with the facts they say. I beleive that something can come from nothing. I beleive that in stark direct contrast to the second law, things are always getting better. The universe is getting better. Things are evolving "read, whatever we want into that" and only an ignorant person would beleive that evolution can't be true.

People.... if evolution is so true, then why are you scared to bring out arguements into the light of day, and have them looked at, and poured over by people of differing mind. Only something that is not verifiable need be hidden from people, and kept from oposition. Creationists have nothing to hide. We may not every scientific model of every last historical event planned yet, but a close look at cutting edge scientific research by the likes of Dr. Russel Humphreys at los alamos research facility points to an ice age happening shortly after the flood. Another shows meteorites hitting the earth and causing a "run-away plate subduction". These are models that are open to everyone to see. I dont understand why, if you are so well versed in evolution, you can't bring out the evidence. You want us to bring out the evidence... You pose questions to us, and mock our answers, but our questions go unanswered. I guess some people's faith in their beleif is so much that they have no answers. And when science, theory, measuring, testing, retesting, and subjecting to laws comes into place they are simply nowhere to be found. Claiming refuge among these "seattle boing assembly plants" full of evidence.

Well, ignorance is bliss.. I guess you have the market cornered.


95 Bmw 318
Port & Polish
Manifold back Exhaust
Koni Struts, Apex dropped springs
Pioneer Premiere Tunes all around