
"OK, well that would be the issue at hand. AKA Evolutionary theory."

That, right there, is one of the biggest problems Creationist have with Evolutionist. The theory "evolves" to fit whatever you want it to.

What is the definition of Evolution?!?!?!

(1) "A continuous naturalistic, mechanistic process by which all living things have arisen from a single living source which itself arose by a similar process from a non-living, inanimate world."

Has this been proven or observed? NO!! Then why is is considered fact?!?

OR this definition?

(2) "Evolution is simply the character of the population changing through successive generations."

A lot of people on here want to use these definitions interchangeably, BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME. Definition (2) was taken out of a biology book. Now, I don't think it could be stated any more simplistic/generalized than that. This definition actually fits "microevolution" or "Adaptation" very well. Creationist have no problems with it, as long it is changes within a species!

"Check out the underpinnings of all modern science, aka the "scientific method". Repeatability, Repeatability, Repeatability."

Ok, I apologize for misreading your statement. I took this as you saying that evolution passes the scientific method. If this is not the case, then forgive me.

"The fact that evolution is supported by all the evidence, fossil or otherwise, and has continued to be supported by new finds without modification of the theory..."

Depends on your definition! Fossils or otherwise does not support definition (1). It does support def. (2), in the sense of "microevolution" or "adaptation".

"I don't mean to be a prick, but I would like to hear some arguments against evolution that are actually intelligent.

I would say that at least 5 out of the 10 pages on here contain INTELLIGENT arguments against evolution! (The Evolutionist just won't answer them.) The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is just one. It has been mentioned on here previously (multiple times), but has yet to be discussed.

"So let us drop this thread... PLEASE!"

"THAT, sir, is NOT my responsibility. That is YOUR responsibility. You do not need me as your personal life science teacher, and I will not stoop to trying with my time...."

This thread was created to legitimately discuss Evolutionist's points against Creationist's points. If you don't want to play nice, then please don't play at all.

Chad Purser
'98 Silver SVT
Mostly Stock