Sam Sampson writes:

People who want to believe in creationism simply throw a rediculous argument against proven scientific theory, wait for an intelligent, reasoned answer... and then refuse to take that answer seriously. The bottom line is that people who at this point are still arguing against the ENORMOUS amount of evidence against them will not be satisfied with any amount of reason, established fact, or logical argument.
Couldn't agree with you more Sam. It reaches a point where we should let creationists be. Aside from their irritating propensity to invoke verbal gymnastics to "mold" the data to fit in their biblical frame of reference, they pose no threat to legitimate science. The 70 odd peer-reviewed journals focusing on evolutionary processes related to biological adaptations will continue to be published monthly while they scream until they are blue in the face. They are irrelevant in the ongoing quest for understanding.

Move only if there is a real advantage to be gained...when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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