Originally posted by Taxed2Death:
I can't speak from an ameican pespective, but good grief.. just because two people come up with the idea that lower taxes is a bad idea(completley independantly of each other) does that prove anything.
The fact that we are still discussing darwin's theory some 150 years later should lend some credit to it. The fact that it was independently thought of at approximately the same time should lend some credit to it. The fact that foolish or unsubstantiated scientific hypothesis (for, at the time, the idea of evolution was, rather than a theory, a hypothesis) usually are discredited within a very short time frame should lend some credit to it. The fact that evolution is supported by all the evidence, fossil or otherwise, and has continued to be supported by new finds without any basic modification of the theory... that should also lend some credit to it. The fact is, most scientifically educated people as well as ALL major accredited colleges in the US, never mind the rest of the WESTERN WORLD, accept evolution as a basic fact of life - well, that might lend some credit to it. I don't mean to be a prick, but I would like to hear some arguments against evolution that are actually intelligent. It seems to me as if this thread has continued on and on and on, with no real purpose. People who want to believe in creationism simply throw a rediculous argument against proven scientific theory, wait for an intelligent, reasoned answer... and then refuse to take that answer seriously. The bottom line is that people who at this point are still arguing against the ENORMOUS amount of evidence against them will not be satisfied with any amount of reason, established fact, or logical argument. So let us drop this thread... PLEASE!

I heed the call of the curb