Originally posted by Taxed2Death:
ancient red woods... never heard of a 10000 year old tree. (Doesn't mean it doesn't exists).
However the date has to be wrong. How do you get a tree like that. cut it, count the rings...
I am mildly skeptical of that
Uhh that's an easy one to prove.. go plant a tree. Wait ohh 15 years.. cut it down and take a look, you'll see there is a growth ring for each year it existed..

The first 10 or so are the hard ones to see though.. after that.. it's easy. I saw a cross section of one in the Smithsonian, they were claiming someing along the lines of 6,000 years i think. Trust me.. if you saw it. you'd see there were about that many. And no I didn't count them.. but I did take a small section.. count them up.. and then guess at an average growth.. they were definitely in the range.

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne