Alright. First off I'd like to say I'm pretty amazed, and pleased, that after all this discussion of one of the most explosive topics
imaginable. Everyone has remained pretty respectfull of each other over all!! Impressive I think, no matter your origin! cool

I would just like to ask one more question of the creationists in my last post on this topic if I may. I personally can't offer anything I believe YOU would accept as undeniable proof of evolution. I'm okay with that, btw.

To cut to the chase here. I'm curious if there is any sort of "discovery" at all you can think of, that would change your minds? For instance, I'm sure I would personally be very responsive to actually SEEING for myself, [not just reading, or taking someone's word.] the actual "parting" of a sea, or a spontaeneously combusting bush that spoke to me. Or people turning into pillars of salt. Etc... I'm really being very serious here I promise.

Would the undisputed existance of extra-terrestrial life do it? For instance an actual craft, or aliens, or both together in the form of a visit? [I don't mean reports of "someone saw a] I mean here they are/it is for ALL to see. Or would there be some "interpretation" of a passage someplace that would "make room" for this and put things "right" again? Please be honest, take your time. I'm just curious what "evidence" would suffice, if any.

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups...