I am still doing some research on your last post, but how does this sound:

Mankind/animals would not have had the myriad of genetic mistakes now present on our DNA. In opposition to what evolution teaches, mutations or mistakes on DNA do not lead to better and improved humans/animals. These mistakes cause hundreds of debilitating illnesses and birth defects. The reason all of us are not born with enormous numbers of medical problems is because our genes are a combination of the characteristics of both our parents. It is only when both parents have the same mistake in their genes that their children manifest the resulting genetic problem.

Furthermore, these genetic mistakes accumulate and increase with time. In other words, the information on our DNA gets more garbled - it never increases in clarity. Since mistakes are accumulating on DNA, it is logical to assume that as we go back in time there would be less mistakes. The reason brothers and sisters cannot marry today (except in Louisiana and Mississippi, of course smile ) is because they are likely to have similar DNA errors leading to children with birth defects.

Chad Purser
'98 Silver SVT
Mostly Stock