I don't think you were being targeted for providing the 5 arguments. I think it was to anyone who wanted to take the challenge.

Argument #1:

Once again, Creationists agree with micro-evolution, or the changes within a species. Also, humans have been breeding cats, dogs, horses, etc. for many, many, years. Your example of a chihuahua represents selective breeding by humans to bring about desired results within a species.

As for insects: I don't have a definite answer for you. But I would say, as with any flood, you will have floating debris. If Noah didn't carry some species of insects on the ark, I can imagine that most species could have survived while floating on debris. Have you ever seen a colony of ants that has been caught in a rainstorm? They clump together and float. (Actually, it is pretty cool to watch.)

Where did the water go?

This question assumes that the pre-flood world was like the world is today. The Bible states clearly that the water was 15 cubits over the tallest mountain. Sea-shell fossils have been found on top of mountain ranges all over the world. The top of Mt. Everest is covered with petrified, closed clams. They had to be buried alive to be petrified in the closed position. The Bible says in Psalm 104 that as the flood ended the mountains lifted up and the valleys sank down and the water hasted away. Today's mountain ranges are well above sea level, but this was not the case before the flood. If the earth were smoothed out today, that is, the mountains pressed down and the ocean basins lifted up, there is enough water in the oceans right now to cover the entire earth 8,000 feet deep (approximately 1.5 miles).
All of the water ran off rapidly through the soft sediments into the ocean basins during the last few months of the flood. This would explain the rapid carving of features such as the Grand Canyon and the Bad Lands.

Did Noah drop off/pick up all the animals?

This question assumes that the world before the flood was like the world is today with animals specialized for certain areas. Today the world is 70% water and the oceans separate the continents. Also, some animals only live in a few selected locations. The Bible teaches that before the flood the water was gathered into one place (Genesis 1:9). There was probably one ocean and much more landmass. Also, if the climate was more temperate animals could live in all types of places which means Noah did not have to go gather animals from all over the world. In fact, the Bible says that the animals came to Noah (Genesis 6:20).

Chad Purser
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