Argument #1
According to cpurser noah only had to take one pair of each type of animal, besides clean animals of which he took 7 pairs. Well I would like to know how in 4400 years did we end up with hundreds of different breeds of dogs,cats, etc..
That applies to just about any type of animal. After all if there was a EVOLUTIONARY event on that scale with that many different species just popping into existence why did it stop we should within the last 200 years have been able to see these mutations still happening. I mean if you got a dog the size of a wolf how many generations do you think it's going to take to get a chihuahua sp?. Wouldn't we as creationist so like to point out have a fossil record of such great change of species over a relatively short period of time? Oh and why didn't noah have to take insects are they not land dwelling air breathing animals? If he didn't how did we get thousands of different types of insect from the realtively few (read none) that would have survived the global flood. So people on the creationist side say they do not believe in evolution yet what would have had to had happened was in fact evolution, even if it was on a completely absurd scale. I can't believe that all these different species came about without millions of years of gradual change. Will have more later, I'm still not awake. Edit: One thing I forgot. How many people were on the ark? And did noah just drop them off all over or what? Oh yeah he wouldn't be able to becuase it was a barge which means that they were stuck in one place when the water went down. Oh yeah where did all the water go? That much water didn't evaporate and it for sure didn't freeze up that quick.

99' tropic green SVT
born on 08/06/99
KKM, resonator removed, B&M short throw, SHO shop y-pipe w/cat,
Pioneer deck, Boston Accoustics 10" rallys, MTX thunder amp