The 40000 year upper age limit for carbon dating, is simply a math formula...
it doesn't mean that the earth has to be that old...
formula works like this
we take an organic substance...
we surmise it has 1 ounce of carbon12 to begin with, we know at present that 1 ounce of carbon decays into 1/2 ounce of carbon over x years...
therefore... with our original assumptions, we plug in the exact(currently measured) half life of carbon12, and that gives us a date.. the problem is, imagine if carbon was leaching into, or out of the organic substance we are dating!!
also... we were not there originally to acuratly measure how much carbon was in it to begin with...
so we guess... (not terribly scientific)
anyways, half life of different isotopes is up into the billions of years. that does not mean that the universe has been around that long.. it just means that the isotope is VERY stable.. it take xbillion years for 1kg of said isotope, to decay in 1/2 kg of said daughter isotope!!


95 Bmw 318
Port & Polish
Manifold back Exhaust
Koni Struts, Apex dropped springs
Pioneer Premiere Tunes all around