Originally posted by blitzkrieg53:
Originally posted by scooby757:
[b]When the "great flood" killed off everything that Noah and company didn't load up on the ark. What killed off the ocean-going dinos [someone mentioned pleasiosaur for one example] that some of you suggest lived at the same time as man?
Please don't say they "drowned". frown
the oceans would be so full of sediment that most of the life in them would suffocate and die. I didnt say drowned I said suffocate. :p [/b]
So am I to understand that the ark had holding tanks for ALL the species of fish, and sea mammals that we now have, including all species of sharks, and all species of whales.[remember they couldn't just grab two small pilot whales, and have all the other species "evolve" from it later...right?] Since sediment can't distinguish between blue whale, and plesiosaur, for example.
EVERYTHING here now must have been on for the ride eh?

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