OK I don't have time to read everything but I read someone saying how evolution and creationism doesn't necessary disprove the other. I believe that evolution is possible and tend not to believe in creationism. However, I do have a strong belief in God and believe that he is behind everything. Even he has to make everything out of something. Those that believe in creationism is saying the chicken came before the egg. Doesn't it make sense that god would create the egg to form the chicken out of? That is my belief because I believe the bible can not be taken literally word for word. It's not that I don't believe in the bible like someone mentioned, it is something that was passed on by word of mouth before it was written down. Also, how does anyone know that each "day" is not actually a day? a day is a measurement of time that came after the earth was created. How do you know how long he took for each step in creating the world?

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