I did not answer your question before because I did not have any physical evidence to support my answer. I have limited my arguments in this discussion to what I could offer evidence. However, I will answer you now.

According to the Bible, God has always been and forever will be.

And believe me, I am the first to tell you, that is a hard statement to accept. It is beyond my comprehension to grasp that statement. BUT, that is where my Faith comes in.

Now, I am sure I am about to reap some flames from the evolutionists about that statement. That's all well and good.

But, before you cast the first stone, let me ask you this:

Where did the spark of the Big Bang come from? Where did that pin-point explosion originate?

Let me answer it for you. You don't know. Period. That is where YOUR faith comes in.

Chad Purser
'98 Silver SVT
Mostly Stock