Sorry to cut in but IIRC earlier in the posts the creationists were saying that the earth is only 6 thousand years old and that carbon dating was only a guess after that amount of time. Now it comes to light that it is accurate out to about 40,000 years. Well if that is the case that blows the thought of the earth only being 6,000 years-old out of the water. To ask one question that was asked earlier in the post by someone "who created god?". I really have pondered this question myself. After all if the creationists feel they can side step theories like the big bang by asking what caused it and where did the ingredients for it come about, then I venture as to ask you who made god. Someone or something would of had to after all he couldn't make himself if he didn't exist yet. What did he just kinda pop out of nothingness? I don't think so. After all if you can say that it is possible for a all knowing, all powerfull, invisible, non-validatable being to just appear out of nothing. Then I can't see how you can be so quick to dis credit an explanation such as the big bang, evolution, etc...

99' tropic green SVT
born on 08/06/99
KKM, resonator removed, B&M short throw, SHO shop y-pipe w/cat,
Pioneer deck, Boston Accoustics 10" rallys, MTX thunder amp