Originally posted by svtcarboy:
Originally posted by daenku32:
The reason you have those memories is because I put them there. I put everything everywhere. I made it 'appear' as if world is older than a day (from now).

It's easy when your omnipotent.
Prove it. I gave evidence stating why you're wrong, now you have to prove your position, and why my evidence is invalid.

Your statement would never stand up to legal or scientific scrutiny without evidence to back it up.

You put the ball in our court, I provided evidence and lobbed it back into your court. Now the burden to provide evidence is on you.
Omnipotent being doesn't need to represent evidence. His word is divine knowledge.

And since the existence of omnipotent being is possible, according to many billions of people on this planet, what's to say I'm not an omnipotent being capable of performing any action or presenting any situation.
Unless, this court will not consider the possibility of the existence of a supreme being (me), meaning any creation that requires the supreme being (me again) could not have possibly happened.

Creation requires a creator; if you won't at least consider me being a creator then you are dismissing the possibility of a creator. Hence, no creation.

Scientist doesn?t study whether there is a god or not. He studies what CAN happen without external influence (god). This might sound like just leaving god out, but then again, do raindrops really need god's divine interference to form.

So, is it possible for me to be Omnipotent being that created everything yesterday as they appear (memories, canyons, pictures, etc)?

98.5 Contour SVT
Kenwood KDC-MP8017 MP3/CD Player
Meaning of life is SOLO II