
"If I were talking about a lizard, I would call it one..."

Yeah, if it was actually called a "lizard" back then...

"Ok so they might not be accurate to the same year or century....but are you telling me that these methods cannot show such a vast difference, like that between millions of years and thousands!?"

Man, have you not read any of the past posts? All types of dating have huge assumptions built into them. (Read back a few pages for some posts for those assumptions.) As I and others have posted evidence for before, and no scientist will dispute, carbon dating is not anywhere near accurate beyond 40,000 years old, due to the half-life of carbon 14. As for the shround of turin, I never gave evidence that the shroud is real, and I never quoted the age of the shroud.

" and the various other elements mentioned above "could" have uncovered a footprint, or a land that was hard dry desert, then a change in weather or something...water softened the ground, primitave man wandered through there....."

Oh, so after millions of years, rain and weather softens stone, a man steps into the dino footprint, and then it turns back into stone... Makes sense to me!! :rolleyes: Please excuse my sarcasism, but man! Come on!

"...various other giant craters around this world..what's the one in the US? Mile high or something..."

Must be the Rocky Mountains... or maybe the Smoky Mountains.... :rolleyes:

Chad Purser
'98 Silver SVT
Mostly Stock