"The fact that is is not described as a lizard makes it safe to assume they weren't talking about dinosaurs."

Why do you say that?
If I were talking about a lizard, I would call it one...

"the oldest human remains found today are younger than dinosaur fossils..significantly younger"

Once again, how do you know the human remains are younger?!?! Geez, we have posted may times and provided much evidence saying that dating methods are severely flawed! If both a dino fossil and a human fossil are both stone, how do you know one is older than the other? And what if they are found in the same strata?
Ok so they might not be accurate to the same year or century....but are you telling me that these methods cannot show such a vast difference, like that between millions of years and thousands!? Oh yeah, didn't they do a carbon dating on the shround of turin? I don't remember the results, but if they coincided with the time of Jesus' death, what would you say about that? And what if they are found in the same strata? The earth is a constantly moving thing. Earthquakes, floods, erosion, volcanic eruptions...any one of these things could uncover fossils and move them around. So what?

"Just because someone found a footprint with a human footprint in it doesn't mean anything."

So I guess fossils don't mean anything? Man, you make no sense. Oh, and evolutionists say that early humans had different bone structure. How could their feet be exactly the same as humans now?
No, what I'm saying is that weather and the various other elements mentioned above "could" have uncovered a footprint, or a land that was hard dry desert, then a change in weather or something...water softened the ground, primitave man wandered through there, viola 2 footprints from 2 different times. Doesn't mean fossils mean jack, it means things aren't always as they seem. And I don't know what you're talking about when you mention bone structure...I didn't say anything about that so you lost me on that one.

Oh, and the "Great Asteroid" is another evolutionary theory on how the dinos where killed off. I know they think they found a huge crater off of Mexico, but what does that prove? Can you provide this evidence that an astroid DID wipe out most life on earth? That theory is very disputed. Why couldn't they have just died off due to environmental changes?

Oh, and this is a thought I just had. It may be a faulty thought, but I will write it anyway. If the asteroid wiped out most life on earth, wouldn't have evolution had to start over? Like I said, just a thought.
Take away the water on this planet. The coast of Mexico IS a freaking crater! And there are various other giant craters around this world..what's the one in the US? Mile high or something...Can I provide evidence it did wipe out life on earth. Well, there is a layer of some type of mineral or something (sorry I do not remember the exact names) in the ground, found in various parts of the world, where such a mineral is not otherwise found in the ground - Which makes sense that something at that time (looking at layers of earth is like looking at rings of a tree) blew a ****load of crap into the air, and it settled all over the world. We know that such an explosion that put that much debris in the air would have blackened our sky, blocking out the sun, killing plantlife, freezing animals, and those that did not die from freezing simply starved to death. Not to mention those erradicated by the initial blast, firestorm, shockwaves and tidal waves caused by such an impact. Yeah, species could die from environmental changes, but these changes do not just happen overnight. Something had to happen fast enough to kill dinosaurs and everything else before they had a chance to adapt. How do we have proof that these asteroids could cause so much damage? Well, aside from the obvious, and data collected from our own nuclear tests back when we were still testing, we just recently witnessed the shumacher-levy comet slamming into Jupiter - and comets are generally not made of the same hard rock or metal ore that asteroids are. The damages caused are well documented and the planet still bears a scar.

So the dinosaurs died, small mammals survived and adapted, and continued to evolve. Sure...if life were COMPLETELY wiped out, evolution could have started over, but then who says things would have happened the same exact way they did before, producing the same exact species, etc.

The Bible still was written only a couple of thousand years ago, no mention of dinosaurs or the catastrophic events that led to their demise. Mentions of giant lizards make sense. There still are close relatives to dinosaurs walking this earth. Alligators, crocodiles, kimodo dragons, other reptiles.

1999 Silver Frost SVT
#609 of 2760
Born on 12/3/98

KKM Intake
Removed Resonator
35% Window Tint all around
Tinted Tail Lights
ElKy Mesh Grilles

Dyno'ed at 175.3HP/155.5TQ

"How much must I live through just to get away..."