Originally posted by scooby757:
If you entertained the thought of a "god" creating "everything" from scratch, out of "nothing". Think about the tremendous amount of complexity in the design of just the "living" creations. The details tended to in bodily functions alone is mind-boggling. It seems as though examples of truely masterful planning and thought processes are evident everywhere. Yet, one of your "creations" develops a "glitch". Sin. So, as master, creator, of all that there is, anywhere, you decide that no personal visits to all men at once are necessary to quell the problem. No, you won't "stop the world", and everything in it for the VERY short time [with all the TREMENDOUS power at your command] it would take to "remind" EVERYONE of their "roots", and the proper way to indeed...live. And after 4000 years or so of sin, "build up", if you will, you decide the best plan is to make a virgin pregnant with your son so that he may die for their sins? Why would something like that be required if you are the "creator"? Why would it even work? Your sacrifice??? Why do YOU have to sacrfice? [your son] You're GOD!! It just seems like such a haphazard way of getting your point across after all you've acomplished before.
I think you answered your own question. The complexities of life prove that their existence didn't happen hap hazardly. Hence, God created them. Now, let's say for the point of discussion that you had the power to creat a living person from nothing. (The best scientists can do today is create life from existing life and then it is an exact copy.) Would you want your creation to be a robot that would do exactly what you said with no thought process? No! You would want the person to have a mind of their own to think with. You would want that person to be able to love you because they wanted to love you and not because you made them love you. That is called "free will". Now if you give your person free will there is going to come a time when they disapoint you, and turn their back on you.

When God created man from the dust of earth, He ceated them with a free will. A free will to think and act for themself. God knew before He created them that there was coming a day when His creation would disapoint Him and turn their back on Him. Does this mean His creation was flawed? No, it just means that we have the free will to choose whether to trust in God or not to trust in Him. Another interesting tidbit if you read through Genesis, is that Adam, Eve and God talked to each other just like we talk to each other. But Adam and Eve disobeyed God's law (notice singular law, "do not eat the fruit of this one tree.") and because of that, they had to face the consequences of their disobedience. They had to leave the Garden of Eden that God had placed them in and they had to work the land themselves.

Look I realize it takes a lot of faith to believe in an all powerful, all knowing God, but it takes just as much faith if not more to believe there isn't a God.

Oh, one more thing, I forget who posed the question, but why couldn't God create Eve from a rib of Adam? I believe it is still fact that women have one more rib than men do. It just shows that women are apart of men. Even God said that when a man and woman have sex they become one. They are apart of each other.