blitzkrieg53 and T-red2000se:

Great comments!! I am really getting tired of us Creationists being the only one who posts evidence and references!


I didn't reply to your previous question because it has been answered before. As for your questions on believing in God, it almost doesn't deserve an answer either. But, I will give it a shot.

You admitted that the vast complexity of living things is amazing. Yes, it is truely amazing and astounding. So much so, I say it takes just as much faith to believe in God as it does to believe the universe came from a spontaneous, pin-point explosion, and the earth and its living things came from non-living material. Order came from chaos? Yeah, right. There is a little thing called the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which CAN be applied to the universe and the earth.


Ah, once again, you are getting microevolution confused with macroevolution! With the moth example, changes occurred WITHIN a species (microevolution). A new species was not created through a mutation (macroevolution).

You say evidence of evolution is in any anthropology text or any book on species. I would like to discuss this statement.

In the first place, any objective paleontologist must concede that one's interpretation of the fossil record will invariably be influenced by one's presuppositions (in the case of the evolutionists, the presumption that evolution has taken place), and that everything must therefore be forced to somehow fit into that framework. This has been precisely the observation of Ronald West:

“Contrary to what most scientists write, the fossil record does not support the Darwinian theory of evolution because it is this theory (there are several) which we use to interpret the fossil record. By doing so, we are guilty of circular reasoning if we then say the fossil record supports this theory.” [Ronald R. West (evolutionist), “Paleontology and Uniformitariansim.” Compass, Vol. 45 (May 1968), p. 216.]

Also, Steven M. Stanley, an affirmed evolutionist, is also objective enough to point out:

“The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that a gradualistic model can be valid.” [Steven M. Stanley, Macroevolution: Pattern and Process. San Francisco: W. M. Freeman & Co., 1979, p. 39.]

Let us be reminded at this point that one alleged evolutionary ancestor of man (Piltdown Man) was exposed as a deliberate hoax; that another (Nebraska Man) might as well have been a hoax, a whole hominid “species” having been contrived entirely from a single tooth, which turned out to belong to a pig; and that among other now seriously questioned human “ancestors” is Ramapithecus (since reclassified as Sivapithecus), based on a few teeth and jaw fragments that turned out to so closely resemble those of a modern day orangutan that Richard Leakey's associate and co-author Alan Walker has cautiously alluded to the orangutan as a potential “living fossil”. The history of paleontology abounds with the rise and fall of various fabrications and complete reversals, demonstrating the need for extreme caution in accepting any claims based on what is often scant and equivocal evidence.

Having asserted that transitional fossils abound, some evolutionists cite Archaeopteryx as an example, declaring that it “is clearly a mix of bird and reptile features (with more reptile than bird features, in fact).”
Yet concerning Archaeopteryx, at least a few leading authorities on the subject seem to disagree with Isaak:

“... Archaeopteryxwas, in a modern sense, a BIRD.”
[Allan Feduccia (evolutionist), Science 259:790-793 (1993) (emphasis added)]

It should also be mentioned here that full-fledged crow-sized bird fossils have been found in strata believed by evolutionists to be 75 million years older than Archaeopteryx (and as old as the oldest fossil dinosaur), making the “transitional” nature of Archaeopteryx (between dinosaurs and birds) less defensible than ever before. [Tim Beardsley (evolutionist), Nature 322:677 (1986); Richard Monastersky (evolutionist), Science News 140:104-105 (1991); Alan Anderson, Science 253:35 (1991)]

And GEEZZZ, don't get me started on the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics!!!!!!

NOTE: I do not claim to have all of this evidence in my head. I have pulled much of my evidence and references from an excellent website, and Check them out.

Chad Purser
'98 Silver SVT
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