Originally posted by cpurser:
I have taken a lot of time to show evidence that evolution cannot have taken place. Correct me if I am wrong, no one has done a good job of refuting the evidence that I have provided. You say that "the majority of evidence points toward evolution." I have repeatedly asked for this evidence that you speak of. Could you please provide some of this overwhelming amount of evidence? You speak of repeatable results? Please provide me these repeatable results! That is all I ask.
As some others have stated, the evidence is there pick up any anthropology text or any book on species and you'll find plenty of reference material to go look up. I did, I'm not going through the excercise again for you.. I'm satisfied with the answers I've found. And the anecdotal evidence you've provided is in itself highly questionable and not nearly enough to overcome the evidence I know that does exist.


Your example of the moths in Britian is a poor argument for evolution. It is an example of adaptation within a species, not evolution. Creationists fully agree with adaptation within a species.
I disagree here, what I was pointing out was the first step of what occurs in evolutionary theory. Not the total theory just the first step, which you say is adaptation.. ummm isn't that what evolution is all about??? Just over a much longer time period.

Originally posted by blitzkrieg53
hmmm for a group that is supposedly not a threat the evolutionists certainly get worked up over them. I wonder why that is? If these people are not real scientists, they cannot provide adequate reasons for what they believe or provide proper reasoning against evolution origin (which is supposedly well documented by science) then what are you worried about???
I not so worried about the theory of creationism winning out in the end. And if it does prove to be true, I'll be one of the first on the bandwagon. The evidence however points in a very different direction. And for now, I put my belief in evolution (with doubts as I said before.. it is a theory.. not a fact)

What bothers me is the preponderance of psuedo-science that exists and how modern media sensationalizes things that are just bad science. And to continue on with that, how so many people understand nothing about cause and effect/action reaction. Basic fundamental physical science. The way people can look at an issue and be swayed by the gloss words that evoke emotional reactions rather than stepping back and honestly looking at an issue. Regardless of what the issue is. That's what really bothers me about the fact that people are putting so much effort into creationism and other psuedo-sciences.

how about this.. "studies have shown that ________ has an amazing effect on __________ to help reduce unwanted ____________ at an amazing rate."

fill in the blanks as you see fit. I find that people will buy things like that to the tune of billions of dollars a year. Stop and think.. what studies??? performed by whom??? what credentials do they have??? What makes them an expert on this???

Do you know what a triple-blind study is??? Do you know why they are performed??

The biggest problem with evolution is that it has a fatal flaw. And this is taught in Logic 101, small sample. Given the relative time frame we are dealing with, and the amount of evidence, we really don't have enough to prove anything, we only have bits and pieces. Hence, it's a THEORY... However, it is the closest theory that fits the facts as we now percieve them to be. As science advances the theory will be tested and retested, and further refined until we get to a point that it becomes a fact. Ugh.. I can't believe I'm explaining this..

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne