No one took a shot at my earlier question???
Oh well, here's another;

If you entertained the thought of a "god" creating
"everything" from scratch, out of "nothing". Think about the tremendous amount of complexity in the design of just the "living" creations. The details tended to in bodily functions alone is mind-boggling. It seems as though examples of truely masterful planning and thought processes are evident everywhere. Yet, one of your "creations" develops a "glitch". Sin. So, as master, creator, of all that there is, anywhere, you decide that no personal visits to all men at once are necessary to quell the problem. No, you won't "stop the world", and everything in it for the VERY short time [with all the TREMENDOUS power at your command] it would take to "remind" EVERYONE of their "roots", and the proper way to And after 4000 years or so of sin, "build up", if you will, you decide the best plan is to make a virgin pregnant with your son so that he may die for their sins? Why would something like that be required if you are the "creator"? Why would it even work? Your sacrifice??? Why do YOU have to sacrfice? [your son] You're GOD!! It just seems like such a haphazard way of getting your point across after all you've acomplished before.

I feel like going on here, but you most likely see what I mean by now. I'm REALLY NOT trying to offend any body here. I don't think you are crazy, or stupid if you believe. I'm just throwing
out a thought on the subject that troubles me. Why would something SOOO all powerful be reduced to using a "flawed" creation, [man kind here] to comunicate with the other flawed creations over the centuries [man kind again] to get his message out??? confused

Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups...