hmmm for a group that is supposedly not a threat the evolutionists certainly get worked up over them. I wonder why that is? If these people are not real scientists, they cannot provide adequate reasons for what they believe or provide proper reasoning against evolution origin (which is supposedly well documented by science) then what are you worried about???
Unfortunately, school boards *could* rule any way they wanted to on this issue - you need look no further than the current battle in the Ohio educational circles. And religion (as demonstrated all over this posting) is far to sticky an issue to make clear public policy over - hence the 'separation of church and state' stance in our laws. Evolutionists worry because creationism doesn't have to actually be 'correct' or 'founded', it just has to 'sound good' at the time of the school board ruling.

A prime example of this occured a few years back in Illinois (could be wrong about the state) when the school board wanted to mandate that the value of Pi be equal to 3 because they felt it was much easier for kids to comprehend than an irrational number (3.14159....). Again, the math and science folk were terrified b/c the school board actually stood a chance of enforcing that policy, for no other reason than 'it sounded good at the time' - even though it could be proven wrong in an instant.

1998 E0 SVT #2444, Black
N.E. Ohio

Love live the CEG!!