Posted by: DaveAndrews
, go up to any.. I repeat any Catholic Priest and ask them about the existence of Satan. Then ask them to explain who and/or what Satan is. If you've studied western philosophy and have read many of the writings of Saints and other religious thinkers you would know (like the priest does) that there is only God and the absence of God. To think that there are omnipotent and omniscient beings that are somehow limited by "rules" is plain nonsense.
Why, then, In the book of Job, does God limit Satan's effects on Job. God will not allow Satan to harm Job in the beginning...Then he allows harm, but no death...sounds like rules to me!

That leads me to say that satan is NOT omnipotent, nor omniscient, since if he knew all, he would have known that:
1. He would fail with Job.
2. He would fail at the cross.
3. He will fail in Armageddon....

And if a catholic priest doesn't believe in that, then he shouldn't be leading a church!

Ride: 2000 T-red SE
Beats: Kenwood 316S, Alpine MRF200, Orion XTR 6.2, Coustic 400SE
Mods: CTA, Magnaflow exhaust, SVT Instrument cluster, Knuaberized doors, side markers, F***ed up painted headlights.