Originally posted by whiteSE:
Said previously:

.....If an evolutionist can believe that God did create the universe, then why is there such opposition to teaching Creationism in our public schools along with Evolution?......

Well, because science is a science in every country of the world...there is an agreement on the scientific methodology...Religious beliefs are personal and vary from person to person....If you told me that every religion would have equal time to show and tell, that would be more fair...
religion is being taught by parents and churches, or synagogues, mosques, etc. There is the principle of separation of church and state, and teaching religion in schools may violate that, and I dont really think its necessary...
After all if we teach Creationism, we need to teach the muslim viewpoint, the Hindu veiwpoint and probably most of the other major religions in the world. That would only be just and fair. I'm just wondering how you give equal time to creationism as to evolution. After all creationism isn't exactly mounting up warehouses of evidence.

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne