well as a christian i will offer my 2 cents...
im no scientist and will offer no numbers ...as far as carbon dating i see where some of u have said that method is not as widely used as it once was...with that being said the 'shroud of turin' believed to be the burial cloth of christ was dated to be from around the time jesus walked the earth...to me that would prove that he existed which proves god, his plan and therefore 'creation' over 'evolution'....i follow creation but i think (maybe wrongly) that there is room for evolution...only to the point of knowing that certain species adapt over time to there environment...

people in the biblical days were given different tounges (languages) so that they would go out and spread across the earth and not just stay huddled up together in one region....as the population spread out people took on the adaptive characteristics to survive the region...some began less pigmented as the colder climates were inhabited and some became darker in the hotter regions...same thing happens more or less to most living creatures

as far as the earth's age and the scientific age of things the only way i can come around to comprehend this is at maybe our yrs aren't the same as god's or the bibles years....this is a terrible analogy but think of a fly...its life span is 3 days...some animals only live a few yrs...humans now live to roughly 60-80's...with the 'size' of god his yrs are measured in milliniums....there maybe be room for something identified as evolution to have come about during the course of the earth's life from a biblical standpoint

some people ask 'if god exists or if he loves us why does he allow bad things to happen to us'....in my opinion god is our parent...afterall he is referred to as 'our father in heaven'...what happens to us as children when we disobey our parents or we do something that our parents were wise enough to tell us not to do because they knew it would be harmful to us or not in our best interest??? we usually would be punished in some way for it....it is my opinion that god does not do a specific bad thing to us but we are allowed to have that bad thing happen because we somehow have sidestepped his rules for us living

also i feel gods creation is perfect...we were equipped with most of what we need and as humans we were given the ability to learn and adapt and develop the world and things no base animal could ever achieve....if science were perfect i wouldn't get blue screens and have my dsl go belly up in 2 months laugh

further off topic....one way satan 'attacks' u is by putting doubt in your mind that god exists....if u dont believe u wont go to heaven...people like to make jokes about partying in hell....i dont think there would be much partying goin on when you;re on fire....how bad does it hurt to burn yourself with a lighter on maybe just your fingertip??? multiply that by eternity and add your entire being.....theres a quote ' the smoke of your sins will rise to heaven for ever and ever'...that sums it up pretty well

whether u believe or not there is a series of books called 'left behind'...its about the rapture of gods church and those who were left on earth to figure out what happened....great reading and put alot of the bible into modern day terms that are easily digestible and shows how maybe some of the things in the good book can and will come to pass....really hits home reading the series of books and thinking about the horror 911...and reading these books gave me the courage to read the bible even the scary parts like revelation and the parts that make me feel like a finger is being pointed directly at me and my actions

whew.....im done and i think the lord for letting get that out as well as i did

some may scoff laugh or otherwise post negatives aobut this post but im goin to heaven whether u like it or not :p ...dont think the contour will make it though smile

95 contour se...dark blue...monsterflow air filter...remanuf atx...wiring harness recall or bust!!!96k miles...motorcraft awsf32pp plugs & red ford racing 9mm wires...kvr black plated cross-drilled rotors & carbon fiber pads...currently undergoing renovation...excuse our dust!!!
are my dodgers for real????