Originally posted by whiteSE:
If you guys paid attention, you would realize that God is supposed to be everywhere, and he is a part of everything,,,Even if evolution is true (which I think it is). I would say...awesome, God created life to be chaotic and everchanging, evolving towards some unkown goal...

The difference is that some evolutionsists can still believe that God created everything, but creationists are a lil bit static in their reasoning... Its a lot easier to believe due to faith, than because of science..[/QB]
You have a good point here. What is perfect? To me, God created everything perfect. Nothing has a need to "evolve", or change, into something else. Just look at the human body, how much more perfect can it be? I too believe that God is everywhere. Just looking at His creation you can see His hand at work. How could life happen without the work of God?

Now that brings about another question, it is obvious that things do change. So is the change a product of evolution or adaptation? If I understand the definiton of evolution correctly it is one species changing into another. But adaptation is one species changing to fit the environment. For a stupid example, if you have lived in the North all your life, your body is use to the cold winters and low humidity summers. However, if you move to say, Florida, your body has to change to withstand the extreme humidity during the summer. So, are you evoloving or just adapting?

I don't think my views are static. Shoot I learn new things all the time, believe it or not. I try to have an open mind to different points of view and yes I will give my opinion on them. But if I have to be tolerant of your view, it is only fair that you are tolerant of my view.

If an evolutionist can believe that God did create the universe, then why is there such opposition to teaching Creationism in our public schools along with Evolution?