...One more thing...If evolution is true, which I don't believe it is, but if it is, why, after countless billions of years, is everything not perfected yet? It has had ample time...

Well, who is to say what is perfect...maybe its the process that is occurring thats perfection ....I cant believe how little sense of awe or respect for nature and its processess some you you show...no wonder the natural state of the planet is going to pot....Why is it that evolving from muck, if it is so, so bad...If you had bad parents that gave you birth, but you are better than they,,,should I judge you on that fact that they were crappy?

If you guys paid attention, you would realize that God is supposed to be everywhere, and he is a part of everything,,,Even if evolution is true (which I think it is). I would say...awesome, God created life to be chaotic and everchanging, evolving towards some unkown goal...

The difference is that some evolutionsists can still believe that God created everything, but creationists are a lil bit static in their reasoning... Its a lot easier to believe due to faith, than because of science..

He's chaaarging!!!...(add scottish accent)...