I wonder if God is turning the world into such a sinful society because of overcrowding in Heaven? Allowing all his children to go to Hell for the sake of the angels having more elbow room in the eternal afterlife. (It's apparently a given that I'm going to Hell since I'm not Catholic.) Mankind is lower than we have ever been. Most of the world's population makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like the Vatican. Why is God letting this happen? Time for another flood?

Oh, I just recalled -- I was washing my car this weekend and saw a rainbow in the mist. Despite being completely materialistic at the time, I remembered that God put that rainbow in my hose water to remind me that he would never flood the world again and wipe out all flesh. Phew, I'm safe -- for now anyway. And by his Divine plan, murderers will go on murdering, thieves will go on stealing, and priests will go on raping little children. Maybe FOX can sign God and Satan for the next episode of Celebrity Boxing! cool

Edit: Sorry that was so facetious. Just that the more I read from the pro-Creationist, pro-Biblical folks (not just on this site either) the more it seems like a big farce. But I can't shake the blind faith I was raised with, so for now I do still believe in God as I stated earlier.

Currently: '00 Altima SE and '02 Maxima SE

Coming up: '03 Infiniti G35 Coupe 6-speed