Originally posted by cpurser:
Man, where is EdwardC? I thought he would be all up in this discussion!

Wow, ASSVT!! You should send that article to Dr. Kent Hovind! He offers $250k for evidence of evolution. Oh, wait, that doesn't prove evolution.... never mind.......

Scientist date one rock to be billions of years old. Then they should be able to do that to ALL rocks.
"Wouter Bleeker and his colleages in the Geological Survey of Canada determined the age of the rocks by a process known as radoiactive dating. they measured how much of the uranium origanally contained in the rocks had decayed to lead. This slow change, when measured, yields a very precise scientific clock." S.J. Mercury News Science and Health section 3/19/02
"Last year, radioactive dating showed the zircon to be approximately 4.4 billion years old-97% of the age of the planet. Less than one-hundredth of an inch wide, the tiny speck is the oldest object discovered anywhere in the world, according to geologists Simon Wilde of Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Austalia, and John Valley of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who preformed the dating." Same source
I have other sources but can not get to them right now as I am at work. But will be sure to add to this as soon as I can.
Well cpurser you better call the universities and geological foundations and tell them that they are wasting their time and money because you got it all figured out. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I really hate smartasses. mad

99' tropic green SVT
born on 08/06/99
KKM, resonator removed, B&M short throw, SHO shop y-pipe w/cat,
Pioneer deck, Boston Accoustics 10" rallys, MTX thunder amp