This issue has been testing me as of late, especially since it has been brought to the media forefront in Ohio with regards to its place in public education. For the record I am not a stranger to science or theory, being a degreed engineer, nor am I generally prone to hide from any possibilities.

Now, aside from the 'age of the earth' issue, lets examine something else. From a creationism point of view, the Earth was created a couple thousand years ago by an omnipotent 'being' who chose a 'messanger' to spread his 'word' to the people of the earth. That's great as far as the current Middle East is concerned, but what about the rest of the world? Why would a being, capable of creating a world, universe, etc... choose only one messanger in only one location to spread his word? Thats not only inefficient but poor planning, and as a result here we are debating the issue.

Another glaring inconsistancy I can't get around is that over half the planet (that's a whole lot of people) doesn't believe in a singular Christian god but rather in their own dieties with their own creationism ideas. So, what makes the Christian creation idea the correct one for all the people of the Earth?

One of the most powerful things that evolution theory has going for it, I believe, is that like most scientific theories, it is fundamental and generic enough to allow for all the religions & beliefs of the world to have their place over time. It does not claim that they don't exist.

1998 E0 SVT #2444, Black
N.E. Ohio

Love live the CEG!!