Originally posted by not-so-newsvt:
But, that's my opinion.
No, that's fact. We are comparing modern day scientific findings to a document that was written thousands of years ago.

In my experience, the ones who are convinced that creation is an accurate account of the origin of species, are also those most out of touch with modern day science. There seems to be a very good correlation.

I have found that it is very hard to find people who have spent enough time thinking about the arguments from both sides. It seems that people are either die hard Christians who have spent a significant amount of time being taught by the chruch, parents, or school, and as a results are initially biased to believing the teachings on faith, or you have the others who have little or no exposure to religion at all, and find the idea of religion laughable right from the start of the discussion. As a result, it is hard for either party to ever convince the other of any valid points. Both seem to have blinders on.

If this were not true, I believe that every intelligent discussion that took place on the subject would result in the Christian at least abandoning religion altogether - not necessarily faith in a higher being- but religion.

I personally find it remarkable that I have come from an upbringing of religious exposure and through years of such debate I have slowly abandoned ALL of it. I'm shocked that I could have been so fooled, but thenI realize that it was likely due to my lack of exposure to science.

I hope we all have our blinders off for the debate.

Black E1